The blog has been rather quiet lately so here is an offering:
David Cameron went on the BBC's Politics Show today and expressed his desire for directly elected police commissioners. I call this a step in the right direction, but we need to go further.
This will, to a degree, make Police Commissioners more accountble to the public they are protecting.
What is really needed is directly elected local Sheriffs and a sheriff's office to take over the CPS who are too lenient on criminals. This way, any Sheriffs who are too lenient on the scurge of society will be defeated at the ballot box. The public can then decide which sheriffs are doing a good job in protecting the area and reward them, whilst rejecting those who do a bad job.
This will serve to improve the local police forces and thier procedures.
Now all we need to do is cut the red tape and buraucracy the Police have to put up with - I read recently that an average police constable spends as much time filling in forms as he spends time on the beat!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Isn't it sweet irony?
At a time where the Labour Party's best campaigning asset is about to be hauled before a jury isn't it strangely ironic that the party is verging on bankruptcy? What a wonderful example of chickens coming home to roost the current shambles in the Labour Party is.
The honours bestowed to all of these rich businessmen may have bought them some short term extravagance, but now Labour are about £42million in debt, with no sign of them being able to pay them off. Imagine if Labour had have gone about accruing their campaign finance in a more appropriate way. They wouldn't be in the shit with the police and businessmen wouldn't be closing their wallets with the current gusto.
Let's be honest, the Tories were never going to win in 2001 or, for that matter, in 2005. Labour could have spent a tenth on electioneering at these two general elections and still won, such was the utter shambles of their main opponents. Lord Levy really didn't need to break the law (allegedly, of course) in order to secure a Labour government.
But now they have gone and truly fucked their chances of beating David Cameron now. Come the next election Labour may well have scraped together enough from the Unions to fight a perfunctory campaign. But with the Conservatives reputedly building up an enormous warchest it is inconceivable they would be even close to matching the Tories' spending. Labour are probably onto a hiding in 2009 or 2010 anyway, but the scale of any defeat will probably bankrupt the party.
Then they will have no alternative. With business and private contributions probably a thing of the past (and they will be when the Tories win... no-one likes backing a loser and in opposition you are classed as having totally lost) Labour will be forced to go cap in hand to the trade unions once more.
Perhaps we are seeing the death knell of New Labour.
The honours bestowed to all of these rich businessmen may have bought them some short term extravagance, but now Labour are about £42million in debt, with no sign of them being able to pay them off. Imagine if Labour had have gone about accruing their campaign finance in a more appropriate way. They wouldn't be in the shit with the police and businessmen wouldn't be closing their wallets with the current gusto.
Let's be honest, the Tories were never going to win in 2001 or, for that matter, in 2005. Labour could have spent a tenth on electioneering at these two general elections and still won, such was the utter shambles of their main opponents. Lord Levy really didn't need to break the law (allegedly, of course) in order to secure a Labour government.
But now they have gone and truly fucked their chances of beating David Cameron now. Come the next election Labour may well have scraped together enough from the Unions to fight a perfunctory campaign. But with the Conservatives reputedly building up an enormous warchest it is inconceivable they would be even close to matching the Tories' spending. Labour are probably onto a hiding in 2009 or 2010 anyway, but the scale of any defeat will probably bankrupt the party.
Then they will have no alternative. With business and private contributions probably a thing of the past (and they will be when the Tories win... no-one likes backing a loser and in opposition you are classed as having totally lost) Labour will be forced to go cap in hand to the trade unions once more.
Perhaps we are seeing the death knell of New Labour.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
They're fucked
The net is closing in on Tony Blair. For a second week in a row a big Labour name has been nicked by the police in connection with the 'cash for honours' scandal. This time it is a familiar name to those following this disgraceful act of constitutional theft. Lord Levy, the guy Blair used to raise the millions which elected him to high office, has been re-arrested by Scotland Yard. It is surely curtains for him, but I am sure the big prize is just round the corner.
Blair must have known about the sale of honours to those who gave his party the vast sums of money he needed to win three elections. How could he not? The question is whether he lied to the police when volunteering his knowledge last year. If he did, and it appears the police think they have found something critical with the re-arrest of Lord Levy, then he could be facing a 7 year stretch inside for perverting the course of justice.
Wouldn't that be sweet redemption for a man who claimed to be 'whiter than white' to get elected, only to be turgid in the depravity of sleaze he has bestowed onto politics.
People say that the Tories were just as bad when they were in office. Detractors point to Jeffrey Archer, Neil Hamilton, 'cash for questions', Asil Nadir. What I would say is that these were comparatively minor scandals involving minor politicians. No cabinet minister in John Major's government was ever up to their necks in as much shit as Blair and his grotesque rabble of greedy Labour cabinet ministers are now. When did Major have to answer police questions? When did cabinet ministers have to quit because they were accused of giving away passports and work visas to nannies or friendly businessmen?
No, Labour have been the equivilent of the anti-christ when it comes to virtuous public service. After spending so long moralising in the 90's they certainly deserve it. Politics has, however, taken another groundshaking body blow as the public's perception of politicians gets ever worse.
Blair must have known about the sale of honours to those who gave his party the vast sums of money he needed to win three elections. How could he not? The question is whether he lied to the police when volunteering his knowledge last year. If he did, and it appears the police think they have found something critical with the re-arrest of Lord Levy, then he could be facing a 7 year stretch inside for perverting the course of justice.
Wouldn't that be sweet redemption for a man who claimed to be 'whiter than white' to get elected, only to be turgid in the depravity of sleaze he has bestowed onto politics.
People say that the Tories were just as bad when they were in office. Detractors point to Jeffrey Archer, Neil Hamilton, 'cash for questions', Asil Nadir. What I would say is that these were comparatively minor scandals involving minor politicians. No cabinet minister in John Major's government was ever up to their necks in as much shit as Blair and his grotesque rabble of greedy Labour cabinet ministers are now. When did Major have to answer police questions? When did cabinet ministers have to quit because they were accused of giving away passports and work visas to nannies or friendly businessmen?
No, Labour have been the equivilent of the anti-christ when it comes to virtuous public service. After spending so long moralising in the 90's they certainly deserve it. Politics has, however, taken another groundshaking body blow as the public's perception of politicians gets ever worse.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Why am I not surprised?
Another Labour hypocrit who thought the law doesn't apply to him. This time it is an MP who spent his time in Parliament sanctimoniously lecturing motorists about the evils of drink driving. He is, of course, quite right. Drink drivers are scum who put lives in danger. When convicted of being under the influence of booze drivers should have far sterner sentences meted out to them.
I do hope, therefore, that Des Turner, the Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown, gets the sort of treatment his 'campaigning' promotes. The funny thing is the wheeling out of the typical Labour excuses. He made a misjudgement... only had one glass... would have passed a blood test...
I do hope, therefore, that Des Turner, the Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown, gets the sort of treatment his 'campaigning' promotes. The funny thing is the wheeling out of the typical Labour excuses. He made a misjudgement... only had one glass... would have passed a blood test...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Come on, John, the game's up
I have never really rated John Reid. Every position he has held in the Cabinet has been an absolute, unmitigated, disaster. When he was Party Chairman Labour was mired in sleaze (very much the same as they are today!). When he was Health Secretary billions were lost in pointless re-organisations of the NHS. When he was in Northern Ireland as the Secretary of State there devolution had to be repatriated back to Westminster as Reid was unable to sort out the sectarian squabbling. Let's not forget his stint as Defence Secretary, where soldiers were sent out to die in Iraq and Afghanistan without working radios, desert sand boots or reliable guns!
John Reid is the very epitome of incompetence.
Now he is making a right royal fuck up of the Home Office. Everything that can possibly go wrong is going wrong. The department is falling apart and no amount of brazen apologies on the telly will stop the apparent slide into total anarchy. He was right when he said that the Home Office is 'not fit for purpose', but shouldn't he have extended this damning indictment to cover himself?
He is not the right man to sort out the prisons and keep the streets safe. He should resign now and put us all out of our misery.
John Reid is the very epitome of incompetence.
Now he is making a right royal fuck up of the Home Office. Everything that can possibly go wrong is going wrong. The department is falling apart and no amount of brazen apologies on the telly will stop the apparent slide into total anarchy. He was right when he said that the Home Office is 'not fit for purpose', but shouldn't he have extended this damning indictment to cover himself?
He is not the right man to sort out the prisons and keep the streets safe. He should resign now and put us all out of our misery.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Chicken Cottage's Snub to the Lord Jesus Christ

Chicken Cottage is now on this Bloggs ‘don’t buy, don’t advertise’ list, right alongside McDonalds and for the same dark reasons, both restaurants have been feeding halal food to millions of unsuspecting non-muslims and, just as McDonalds funds the IRA Chicken Cottage also has links to both domestic and international terror. Its founder has been linked to wealthy Saudi backers, who intern, are known funders to Islamic terror groups.
The fact that innocent people are being forced to eat halal food is scandalous. In order for food to be considered halal it must be first offered up to the muslim sand god, before its throat is cut and it left to bleed to death, now this backwards practice may have been ok while we were cave men, or amongst foreign barbarian peoples, such as in the muslim lands but in the UK animals for slaughter should be stunned first before being humanely killed, once again the government issues one set of rules for one people and turns a blind eye to an other. ‘The brain is instantaneously starved of blood and there is no time to start feeling any pain,’ Quotes muslim council of Great Britain, well how would they know I wonder? But then again I suppose that if any group of people are to be qualified on throat cutting it would be the muslims!
I’m righting this because I‘m yet to see or heat any of our greasy dreadlocked far left animal liberation friends challenge this un-natural practice, as is to the eternal shame of the left as usual.
Another aspect of this company that I find deeply distasteful is the way it uses advertising to lure in unsuspecting non muslims to eat its foul cursed meat, a trip on the chicken cottage web site will illustrate what I mean. After opening go past the ‘kidz stuff’ propaganda section to the ‘franchise’ section, then click on ‘radio/TV ads’. There are three radio ads you can listen too, THE ONLY ONE THAT MENTIONS THAT THIS FOOD IS HALAL IS THE FIRST ONE WHICH IS IN A FOREIGH LANGUAGE!!! Not only that but the second one and the third adverts use CHRISTIAN FESTIVALS to sell their pagan products!!! As if that wasn’t bad enough the third advert futures three kings and Jesus Christ to sell halal food, I wonder what would happen if I were to open a Christian restaurant and advertise it via a mocking advert of muhammad? The terms Danish cartoons and Trafalgar Square instantly spring to mind. However, even though I am outraged I will do as the good Lord has instructed and turn the other cheek at this blatant attack upon the British way of life.
People we need to be smart, keep our eyes open, Britain is changing and we need to be ever more vigilant of those around us. So I’m asking you all to spread the word, to tell your friends that if they eat at chicken cottage then they are eating cursed chicken that has been sacrificed to the muslim god of sand, chicken that has been tortured to death and that part of their money has gone to fund international and domestic terror. Thanks to Lion Hart for his sterling work on this subject, we have all been warned!!!
Hillary Clinton - yes please!
Excellent news coming through from the US political scene. It appears that the Democrats will have the frontrunner for their nomination definately contesting the primaries after Hillary Rodham Clinton announced her intention to run. I am delighted with this news.
Hillary Clinton spent much of her time as First Lady to husband Bill making countless enemies, not just on the political Right either. Moderates dislike her shrill tone, her naked ambition to be president and the sickening use of power whilst at the White House she had neither earned through election or qualified for in talent.
She is a mediocre politician who has limited speaking and personal skills. Should the Democrats be stupid enough to elect her as their candidate (and let's be honest, anyone who thinks John Kerry could become president is surely somewhat dim) then the White House will stay in Republican hands for another two terms.
Bill Clinton was a politician, and a very successful one at that. Whether you agreed with his politics or not (and I certainly didn't) you couldn't argue that he was a formidable operator. He was a winner, someone who could inspire confidence from across the political spectrum. His wife is non of these. She is a dreadful political operator; someone who flip-flops on major issues so often she makes Kerry look like a conviction politician. Her voting record as New York Senator is far more liberal than the accepted norm of mainstream America. In short, she is a loser with terrible political judgement.
McCain, Giuliani, Romney or Gingritch will be salivating at the prospect of facing her should they gain the Republican nomination.
Hillary Clinton spent much of her time as First Lady to husband Bill making countless enemies, not just on the political Right either. Moderates dislike her shrill tone, her naked ambition to be president and the sickening use of power whilst at the White House she had neither earned through election or qualified for in talent.
She is a mediocre politician who has limited speaking and personal skills. Should the Democrats be stupid enough to elect her as their candidate (and let's be honest, anyone who thinks John Kerry could become president is surely somewhat dim) then the White House will stay in Republican hands for another two terms.
Bill Clinton was a politician, and a very successful one at that. Whether you agreed with his politics or not (and I certainly didn't) you couldn't argue that he was a formidable operator. He was a winner, someone who could inspire confidence from across the political spectrum. His wife is non of these. She is a dreadful political operator; someone who flip-flops on major issues so often she makes Kerry look like a conviction politician. Her voting record as New York Senator is far more liberal than the accepted norm of mainstream America. In short, she is a loser with terrible political judgement.
McCain, Giuliani, Romney or Gingritch will be salivating at the prospect of facing her should they gain the Republican nomination.
Fast Food Terror

I was walking past Chicken Cottage the other day and it was empty (as usual) but then I suddenly notice that they had computers in this branch. I started thinking 'why do they have computers?'. I mean McDonalds doesn't have computers neither does Burger King, KFC or any other fast food company.
It then became obvious to me that the people entering Chicken Cottage and eating the cursed halal meat are Muslim and therefore it is very possible that they are terrorists and they use the computers so they can communicate with their terrorist colleagues without the fear of being traced via the IP address, (a problem these evil people would face if they were using their personal computer).
Lets be honest about this, we live in a dangerous world where these terrorists want to destroy us and then Islamify what is left. We must stop this!! That means, we the decent law abiding citizens of the world must try to put this terrorist organisation out of business. And when you next walk past a branch of Chicken Cottage remember to look in because the person at the computer could be the next Bin Laden.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Islam - The Truth
Hello everybody, today I'd like to talk to you all about Islam. Now I’ve been reading the Bible recently and decided that prophase, instead of just blogging about the dangers of islam i should actually talk to some young British muslims themselves about what it means to be a Muslim in the UK today and in which direction they think Islam is going to. I decided that I would use this opportunity to allow this sometimes misrepresented minority to have a voice, to give them the chance to call it as they see it. I'm afraid I have to tell you all now that what I fund out has deeply disturbed me and I’m sure it will leave you quite shaken too.
I decided to log on to one of the most popular mainstream youth sites, ‘Chat Islam’ (, where young adult British muslims often congregate, its meant to be for them to chat about 'youth issues' such as the pop charts or football, indeed there is a warning before you go in asking you not to talk about religion or politics, no doubt placed there by worried islamic elders to protect their young from radicalisation by al-Qaeda. (القاعدة)
So I started by asking them about the currant hot religious political topic, the demand for the new islamic Caliphate by Tablighi Jamaat (تبليغي جماعت,)
Constantine: hey is it true you guys want a caliphate from Spain to China?
MujahidUK: anyway
MujahidUK: Constantine
MujahidUK: the khalifat is coming
MujahidUK: allah hoo
MujahidUK: allah hooamani: in egypt it is
MujahidUK: wait
MujahidUK: yaseen
Constantine: why don’t you eat pork when god made pigs?
Yaseen: mawla yassalli wassali dahi man abadan
MujahidUK: Constantine
MujahidUK: the simple answer toi ur queston is
MujahidUK: its a commandment by allah
MujahidUK: yeah sadia
MujahidUK: insha allah
Yaseen: theword Allah shud be in capitals
sadia_K: Allah*
Constantine: allah or muhammed, not the same thing
Constantine: you'd be a lot happier if you were Christian
Constantine: for a start you could have a drink
sadia_K: nah not really constanine
Constantine: and stop being all angry all the time
aisha hayat: i was christian NOW im alot happier :)
aisha hayat: thats the english/christian mans answer to everything alcohol lol
constantine: aisha hayat, you are in big trouble, you’d better come back or go to hell
Yaseen: feel like i am uncivilised when asking
MujahidUK: has anyone heard of the poem of the mantle
Yaseen: brb
amani: what??
MujahidUK: qasidah burdah
yousuf: Constantine u better read about pigs meat in medical book
saisha hayat: lol i came to islam because i want to go heaven
aisha hayat: no use explaining to you let Allah do that on the day of judgement
yousuf: then u will come to know why it is prohibited
MujahidUK: ill point u to a wonderful nasheed
constantine: by following the anti-Christ you will not go to heaven
MujahidUK: ignore him
amani: i will
aisha hayat: lol i cant belive i was christian how deluded they all are
MujahidUK: type in
MujahidUK: qasidah burdah
MujahidUK: by memut kurtis
I think as many of you will all agree, most disturbing. It is clear that this is proof that the muslims want to take over Europe and declare the UK an islamic emirate, I entered this dialogue with our islamic youth with a genuinely open mind, I'm now left shaken to the core by what I’ve seen and herd tonight, I’m sure you all are too. The task ahead of us is clear, we need to protest our homeland and out children, but how we do it in a state where you can be dragged before a judge and jury just for recognising this barbarian expansionist sand faith, which is bent on the destruction of civilization, as 'wicked' I don’t know. I just hope we have all learned something from this tonight.
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